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WHY #COOL4climate?
The initiative -conceived in 2018 (We need Geo-engineering ... of Consumer Aspirations!)- is based on the fact that, as social beings, most of us have the desire to be accepted, if not admired by our peers. There are now many innovative campaigns and activists that tap into these social dynamics in order to promote positive behaviour, built on climate-friendly values and aspirations.

Visit our Campaigns articles to find inspiring examples of campaigns that have used values and aspirations to generate behavioural changes resulting in benefits for the global good. This is not to say that the public good is the sole motive for the campaigns we feature. Far from it. The private sector has been using techniques to shift desires to market their goods for a very long time, with profit as the main motive for their campaigns. Yet the resulting change in consumer behaviour can go hand in hand with considerable public benefits, not least fighting climate change.
Under Activists, you will find inspiring young activists from all walks of life. It goes without saying that it includes the global celebrity youth activists, both those that have become global celebrities because of their activism, and those which have used their global celebrity status to be active for the global good. But the main focus is meant to be on local youth activists who can inspire their local peers, and who are often overlooked in the world media, particularly if they are from the Global South.
We hope these examples can inspire change-makers dealing with the climate emergency. If you have suggestions of stories or individual portraits that we should showcase, please get in touch.
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